Digital communication for sciences and techniques
Opening knowledge to the World citizens

Disseminating, communicating and teaching sciences and technologies to a large audience become possible with digital technologies. ExplorNova lead research on new tools on the Web for interacting with knowledge. These include works on Web App, eBooks, videos, 360° virtual visits and motion design. Digital exhibits are tested in various festivals and major science centres. Specific research with digital creators and artists takes place within Stereolux in Nantes.


ExplorNova 360°


Connecting to proposes an interacting travel within the Universe and Mars through 360° virtual visit and animated movies. Exhibits using this digital device were proposed during the Scopitone 2013 and Utopiales 2013 festivals in Nantes. Interaction with the three screens installed to ensure 360° panoramic views uses LeapMotion technologies. A newly modified and enriched version is proposed at the Cité de l’espace in Toulouse and elsewhere in France. ExplorNova 360° will soon host a MOOC about astronomy.




The communication methodology defined in ExplorNova 360° with digital devices can be applied to all fields of sciences and technologies.

#28 - Last update : 02/13 2014
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